Timeshares – A Licence To Print Money Or Just Take Yours?
Have you ever purchased a timeshare-related product using a loan? Were you advised by the timeshare company to take out this loan with for example Barclays Partner Finance / Black Horse Finance / Shawbrook? If so, then you need to read this article!
Lincoln Green Solicitors can help you to recover money which you have lost as a result of the loan.
These loan agreements hit people hard as they are typically for a value of more than £10,000. But, when interest and fees are added, the total cost of credit is often up to £25,000!
How do I know if I have a claim?
- Have you ever purchased a timeshare, fractional ownership or holiday membership?
- Were you advised to fund this by taking out a loan (arranged by the timeshare company) with Barclays Partner Finance / Black Horse Finance / Shawbrook, or other?
- Were you given an opportunity by the timeshare company to buy a pack of weeks’ holidays at specific apartments in holiday resorts (known as “investment packs”)?Were you told these packs would be quickly sold to give you a substantial profit?
- Were you then told that the weeks’ holidays and specific apartments could not be sold, and so you’d need to upgrade to better quality apartments instead?
- Were you continuously told you couldn’t take the holidays you wanted because you needed to upgrade to a higher level of membership with the resort (timeshare) operator?
- Have you now been left with growing maintenance fees and loans to repay?Have you discovered that you can’t give these timeshares away – even for as little as £1?
- Have you now been left with loans to repay and a significant loss (instead of a profit)?
- Do you have ongoing maintenance costs?
What’s the bad news?
The bad news is that, if this sounds familiar, you have probably lost a lot of your hard-earned money. Since then, you have probably been cold called by lots of people offering to help you to recover your money. You are not sure who you can trust. You have been conned once and you do not want to be conned again. You will undoubtedly be feeling angry about what happened and probably blame yourself. You are desperate to find a solution, but you cannot see any light at the end of the tunnel. You are understandably embarrassed or reluctant to talk about this to others. No wonder you may be suspicious about offers to help you.
So is there any good news?
Yes – the good news is that we can be trusted to help you!
We are Lincoln Green – a trusted legal institution with a team of dedicated experts who work tirelessly for our clients. We champion the protection of consumers’ rights.
We have helped a lot of consumers who have been treated disgracefully by timeshare companies. Many clients have seen their hard-earned life savings or pensions exploited by timeshare companies.
We handle all timeshare claims with determination, efficiency and skill. We have a proven track record of success and we have successfully helped more than 90% of clients to recover significant sums of money owed to them amounting to tens of thousands of pounds.
So you can be confident that our dealings with you will be fair, honest and professional.
We can help you recover your money
If you have been exposed to any of the above scenarios, please contact us to start your claim today...

Deal with someone you can trust...
The Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) regulates Lincoln Green Solicitors therefore we have high ethical standards....
We will…
- Keep you safe.
- Keep your information confidential.
- Put your best interests first.
- Offer a "no win no fee" service in most instances.
We will not…
- Cold call you ever!
- Invite you to a presentation.
- Ask you to buy another product.
- Ask you to pay upfront fees.