Eze Group
Eze Group sold “leisure credits” to consumers when attending meetings arranged to dispose of timeshares. The “leisure credits” were claimed to offer discounts off many everyday shopping, holidays and leisure products, though many consumers claimed that often the discounts didn’t exist.
Start Your Timeshare Claim
We can help you recover your money
If you have either been a victim of a scam or exposed to these situations then please contact us to start your claim. We may be able to recover any money lost and deal with your original mis-sold timeshares issue.
No Win No Fee
No Cold Calling
The “leisure credits” scam?
The judge at Birmingham Crown Court ordered the closure of Eze Group and its associated companies due to fraudulent activities and the owners both received custodial sentences, however, in the case of Stephanie O’Reilly it was a suspended sentence. If you used a credit card to pay Eze Group for their services or you still have a timeshare then we may be able to recover compensation for you.
We can help you recover your money
If you have been exposed to any of the above scenarios, please contact us to start your claim today...
Timeshare owners were charged substantial fees to firstly to dispose of the timeshare and secondly to buy leisure credits, which Eze Group claimed could be redeemed to obtain cheaper holidays.
The EZE Group Scam
Over most of the last decade Dominic O’Reilly and his step-daughter, Stephanie, created a web of companies together. Cold calling or face-to-face meetings targeted known timeshare owners, whose details may have been recorded on one of the many databases of timeshare owners that often changes hands illegally in Tenerife. Timeshare owners were charged substantial fees to firstly to dispose of the timeshare and secondly to buy leisure credits, which Eze Group claimed could be redeemed to obtain cheaper holidays.
Typically, Eze Group did not dispose of the timeshare as promised and we presume just pocketed the money. When members tried to use their leisure credits they found the holidays unavailable, or costing more than on other more familiar websites.
In order to continue the scam many customers were invited to upgrade their memberships regularly with a promise of being able to get even better discounts and benefits, which in almost all cases never existed. Many people were promised discounts at the major supermarket chains, however, these discounts never existed and were just part of the scam to lure in the unsuspecting public.
EZE Europe Ltd & Everywhere Travel Ltd are two companies which were operated in the UK by Stephanie O’Reilly; her father Dominic O’Reilly operated Regency Shores SL and EZE Group.
EZE Group History
EZE Europe Ltd & Everywhere Travel Ltd are two companies which were operated in the UK by Stephanie O’Reilly; her father Dominic O’Reilly operated Regency Shores SL and EZE Group.
On the 17th November 2017 at Birmingham Magistrates Court, Eze Europe Ltd, Stephanie O’Reilly and Dominic O’Reilly both pleaded guilty to two offences under the Consumer Protection From Unfair Trading Regulations 2008. The suggestion is that Trading Standards may well have received in excess of 500 complaints against this company, and despite instructing the company to change it’s business model, it paid lip service to such instruction and continued to scam the public.
In view of the gravity of the offences, the case against Eze Europe Ltd and its directors was transferred to Birmingham Crown Court, where Dominic O’Reilly was handed 28 months of imprisonment and Stephanie O’Reilly received an 18-month sentence suspended for 2 years.
We can help you recover your money
If you have been exposed to any of the above scenarios, please contact us to start your claim today...
Let Lincoln Green Solicitors handle your claim
The Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) regulates Lincoln Green Solicitors Ltd, which ensures that unlike dealing with a “cold caller” that you are in safe hands, as claims of this nature are a regulated activity and can only be pursued by FCA and SRA regulated companies.
For more information on how we can help you pursue a claim to recover your money, call us on 0300 303 3819 or complete the enquiry form at the top of the page.

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The Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) regulates Lincoln Green Solicitors therefore we have high ethical standards....
We will…
- Keep you safe.
- Keep your information confidential.
- Put your best interests first.
- Offer a "no win no fee" service in most instances.
We will not…
- Cold call you ever!
- Invite you to a presentation.
- Ask you to buy another product.
- Ask you to pay upfront fees.